Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A horrible experience putting a dog to sleep. need answers i think

A horrible experience putting a dog to sleep. need answers i think.?
i currently live in bulgaria, and have had a dog with me here which i brought from the UK. She was getting old and struggling, and she wasnt wel had problems and before it gets to hot we had to make put her to sleep. We went to a few vets here and some said they didnt have the right injection, and so we did get sent to a pet shop, where a man said he would come do the job . We waited for him and when he came, firstly he injected her in the side of her near her ribs .- I thought thats the wrong place to give the injection? then ten minutes later she is still alive and they had given her 3 more doses... into her sides. she cried and howled.... and was scared. we had to hold her down. I told the men they are using the wrong stuff and its not fair. they injected her again and she finally went. But they caused her alot of pain and it wasnt expected. I wanted to know what they used because it cant of been that strong? I could not read the bottle. but i feel now i didnt do enough for my dog. I would like to know what they may of used on her, as her mouth was bleeding after words. She was in upmost discomfort when the did it. Any similar problems or experience please share, i would just like a answer? We know wish we had took her to a vets in the bigger towns.
Dogs - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i don't know what they used. but ketamine is what the dog pounds here in the U.S. use. it can be put in their food or given by injection. it takes longer if put in the food, but it puts them to sleep permanently. there will be some twitching before they go but not too hard of twitching. the injection is usually between the shoulder blade. sounds like this nut case was trying to put the drug straight into her heart, which is cruel and uncalled for.
2 :
When the dog is being put to sleep, there should only be one injection and it should be directly into the vein in its arm. NOT in is side. You should press charges against these people for making your dog suffer. I'm not sure of what they may have used, it could be many things. I'm sorry you had to go through this. It sounds just awful.
3 :
I do not know, but you did the best that you knew how to do. It is over so try to put it behind you . Bless you, as I am sure your dog is now in heaven.
4 :
My samoyed was thirteen years old, dementia, deafness and arthritis finally made me have her put down. The vet put the needle in her front leg and though she died within a few seconds, the needle caused a lot of pain which still disturbs me fifteen years later. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.
5 :
I couldn't tell you what they used, you would have to ask a reliable honest vet. The correct place to put the needle when putting a doggie to sleep is in the bottom of the front leg. Obviously the poor thing was terribly scared and suffered inhumanely in this process. For experience sake I think next time you get some sort of pet, take them to someone competent, who knows what they are doing, and someone who is qualified. This person sounds like a butcher.
6 :
I have no idea what they used that would cause bleeding. Sometimes though if a dog has something like cancer it can cause bleeding upon euthanazia. One of my labs had cancer and bled from the mouth just after she passed. I asked the vet why she bled and that was their answer. Please try to gain some peace by knowing that you tried to do the right thing and your dog is now out of pain and waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Dogs that have been loved by humans do not hold grudges. God Bless. Take care.
7 :
my heart goes out to you, to make it all worse she had to suffer in the end. What ever he did and what ever he used was all wrong, the injection should have gone in the front arm into a vein and only one dose, and is over with in minutes, no fuss no nothing, it should be as if the dog were falling asleep. I would charge this man for putting down dogs inhumanly, no dog should suffer, and you were trying to do the right thing for your dog, and he went and ruined it!!!

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