Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My brother is a US citizen and is engaged to a Bulgarian woman

My brother is a US citizen and is engaged to a Bulgarian woman.?
My brother is a US citizen and is engaged to a Bulgarian woman. They wish to marry in the US and live in Bulgaria. Can they get married on a tourist visa and/or are there other steps they need to complete before the wedding happens
Immigration - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
any 1 can get marry on earth . no stopping what visa , but to live Bulgaria it up to Bulgaria policy of foreigner here the website
2 :
Yes they can get married on a tourist visa. Whether they can live in Bulgaria is another issue. That will be entirely up to the Bulgarian immigrant department. ~~Donna~~
3 :
There is K1 Fiance visa for your brother's case. Although if they just want to have wedding in US, she can enter with B1/B2 visa, if she can get approval from US Embassy in Bulgaria. However, she MUST leave US after wedding.
4 :
He can marry her in the US , the best thing to do is that she comes with a tourist visa and one month later they get married together . After 30 days on the US soil the US customs don't investigate the marriage .

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