Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm concerned about Black Widow spiders

I'm concerned about Black Widow spiders?
Yeah, yeah I know that "99% of the bites don't require medical attention". But in my shitty country it does. I live in Bulgaria and they say that there aren't any black widows, but there are a few. I have dairy allergy and maybe others - that's why it concerns me. 10 minutes ago I killed a VERY little blackish spider. I don't see how much legs he has, but 2 of them look more thick than the others and more black. It's bum is light brown I think. I don't see any red stuff. I've seen these spiders (and killed) for 2-3 months now. Help, please? Everyone here says that they are almost always deadly.
Zoology - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Dnt worry dude. Consult ur doctor, to be on safe side.
2 :
Female black widow spiders are inky black with VERY large round bottoms and a very distinct (You cannot mistake it for brown) red hourglass. It is an hourglass, wide triangle at the top, very narrow in the middle, and another wide triangle. If it was small, and brown, chances are it wasn't a black widow. MALE black widows are entirely harmless (and are brown) as they are non poisonous. The females are what is dangerous, not the males. You literally cannot mistake a female for anything else. Look at pictures of her. She's beautiful, can be deadly, and I don't see how a milk allergy relates to a poisonous bite. Apples and oranges. :)
3 :
After you kill the spider, flip it over with a stick or something. If there is a red hourglass on the bottom of the belly/fattest part of the spider, you have a black widow. They always have red on the bottom. Period. There is NO PART OF A BLACK WIDOW THAT IS NOT THE DARKEST BLACK OTHER THAN THE RED HOURGLASS. I've lived in the Nevada desert in USA and they were a BIG BIG problem there in the summer. They live on the side of your house and if you leave them alone it's no trouble but I've killed them in my kitchen and once my husband found one in my closet. Kill first and then look, never hesitate. Arm yourself with Carburetor cleaner (like for cars, a popular american brand is Chem-tool), it kills them and their eggs (if you see cotton ball looking things in stringy webs, spray them!). I've seen hundreds of them, the females are always black with red on the underbelly, the males are smaller and brown but not poisonous. I hope this helps reassure you! *cheers*
4 :
If you leave them alone they'll ignore you. There really is no reason to kill them as they only attack once you attack. Their harmless if you are.

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