Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Could anybody tell me, where is the best place to live on the earth

Could anybody tell me, where is the best place to live on the earth?
I am originally from Bulgaria,at the moment live in Switzerland, but neither of the two countries satisfy my life-expectations! where should I go? give me an idea, about your experiences of home-place.
Other - Destinations - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
iraq or afganistan. ur brothers are making these places heaven.
2 :
If Switzerland could not satisfy you i don't know of any other country that can. Do you know what are you looking for in a country?
3 :
sydney, australia
4 :
depends on your expectations obviously
5 :
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
6 :
Sydney, Australia. We have a harbour, an Opera House, clean air, blue skies, great climate, economy is strong, great employment opportunities, excellent night-life. Beaches, parks, a great zoo, people are easy-going, multi-cultural, harmonious society, freedom of speech, religion, we are friendly....
7 :
Well, the best place to live on the earth is at my home. I don't know what your life-expectations are but my one bedroom apartment is the best place on earth for me.
8 :
Trust me, you haven't been looking very well around yourself. Stay in Switzerland for the love of God Allmighty!!
9 :
its not the country you live in its what you do there Sheffield in England is home of Sheffield wednesday so youd probably have a wonderful time there
10 :
Kerala in India. It aint called God's own country for nothing. The kind of place that can make you born again.
11 :
Actually I have been in a lot of places, traveld different countries, and what i figuered out for myself is that, the best place on earth to leave is the place I haven't visit yet :)
12 :
An old man was sitting by the side of the road at the edge of his town. A family stopped their car and asked 'old man, we're thinking of moving. What is it like to live in this place?' he replied - 'what is it like where you are?' They told him it was horrible, bad neighbours, terrible schools, poor shops, and the countryside was spoiled. he said 'it's just like that here, I don't think you'd be happy here'. They got back in their car and left. A few days later another family saw him by the side of the road and stopped to ask 'old man, what is it like to live here?' he replied, 'what is it like where you are now?' They told him they were happy where they were but were looking for bigger house for their family. They had a good education system, friendly local shops, pretty country walks, and were hoping to find the same again. He told them 'It's just like that here, I'm sure you'll be happy wherever you go'. And they were. Life is what you make it. if you haven't found anything to be happy about in two countries it's unlikely you will wherever you go. To satisfy your life expectations you should look inside yourself before you look at your surroundings.
13 :
14 :
The best place on Earth is where everybody else you will never be satisfied unfortunately.

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