Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is this happening only in my country or across all Europe

Is this happening only in my country or across all Europe?
I live in Bulgaria, and last year they made this stupid new law (curfew) where people under 14 should not be out without a parent after 20:00h and people between 14-18 (at 18 u become and adult) should not be out after 22:00h without a parent/supervisor. Also, people get IDed almost at every club, disco or bar and teenagers rarely get access. The cops visit all the night clubs, discos.. etc almost every night around midnight for another ID check and teenagers who are cought after curfew get arrested, spend the night at the police station and their parents get solid fines! Is this stupid law valid only in Bulgaria or all across EU ? I think this is totally wrong, cos parents should decide the curfew! (Some teens are more responsible than others) I'm 17 and if my parents allowed me to go out at night and the Secuirity guards at the club, disco ..etc allow me access then there shouldn't be a problem. Is there a similar situation in your country? I've been to like 10 other European countries and I havent had any problems with cops so far. But everytime I decide to go out in my home country, I either try to escape from cops who come to check ID or even if they dont come I'm worried all night (cos I may get cought) and can't have real fun ..
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
all I know is there's not one in the UK and France, dunno about others
2 :
For a country to impose a curfew like that would mean there are problems that need to be addressed. I don't know about your country, sorry, but I do know that when I read about the inception of curfew is when there are serious problems that place younger people at stake. This is probably a short-term measure (possibly for a month or more). [Edit] Maybe it's time you start reading the daily newspaper from your mainstream news sources. I hope all works out well in your country.

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