Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to start a cheerleading practice

How to start a cheerleading practice?
Hi! At my school I will start a new cheer-leading squad. The problem is that I don't know what to do and how to train the others(I will get some help by a teacher).The second problem is that this is the first squad of our school and I have been only to dancing classes before. The other problem is that I live in Bulgaria and that is a country without big cheer-leading squads so there is no body that can help me and there is no one in school that was ever a cheerleader. I don't know how to start. What should I do? Should I start only stretching at the beginning or should I start with some kind of a choreography and steps. Can you help me please?
Other - Sports - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
always start with jumping then begin jumps and kicks (including combinations of them) as they are the signature moves then move on to choreography later
2 :
First of all, good for you for starting your own cheer squad! My practices always start with stretching, then we go into jumps. We also end practices with conditioning. Crunches, push ups, planks, etc. You should definitely start with some choreography or if your school/coach is willing to, get a choreographer. You guys would have to pay for it, but if not creating a dance would be fine! If you guys are cheering for football games then try to look up some cheers online to practice.

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