Saturday, August 7, 2010

Romania and Bulgaria joining the EU

Romania and Bulgaria joining the EU?
It was predicted by the British media, especially The Sun, that when Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU on 1st Jan this year that a flood of immigrants would arrive in the UK. Can anyone tell me roughtly how many from each of there countries have actually arrived in the UK seeking work. I am a British subject living in Bulgaria and have doubted these press comments from the start
Other - Europe - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's not even the end of January, so you will have to wait at least 6 months for that answer. If you look at statistics from the members who joined in 2004, you'll find that quite a few have come over. Given the economic situation in Romania and Bulgaria, it would make sense to expect similar levels. I would also not characterize these people as immigrants. Many are there for 2-3 years, and have no plans on bringing their families over.
2 :
Thank you for your question. As I know from romanian media on the 1st january there were a "flood" of 4 romanian citizens ariving to U.K., 3 students and 1 I.T. specialist, if I remember well.
3 :
Yes. In 1st January 2007. DA . PE intai Ianuarie 2007.
4 :
Actually the number of Romanians arriving in Britain after January 1st was nowhere near what the tabloids were predicting. Romanians prefered to seek employment in Spain, Italy or Germany. I don't know the exact numbers, but I did hear on the news that Britain needs more Romanians now for vacant jobs... after all that drama!
5 :
Hi glad to read u are living in my country. I think that the tabloids just wanted to attract more readers and that's all. Everything is exaggerated. People who wanted to emigrate did that during the 90's. Greetings from София :)

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