Thursday, June 7, 2012

What should I spend my acquired $3,000 on

What should I spend my acquired $3,000 on?
Yes this is in the GLBT section...wanted to hear from one of you guys! So it just so happens that I saved $1,500 and I won $1,700 at this casino (I told my dad to do it cause the Casino people said I was soo young), but anyway I won an extra $1,700 and I want to spend the $3,200 this summer. So I'm 16 years old and I have no idea on what to spend it on! I thought of going with one my friends (or 2 friends) to travel to some cool country. And no I'm not gonna save it for college or something like that, let's cross that bridge when it comes. I just wanted to know if you were to have $3,000 to spend on a trip, where would you go to? If you got any other ideas on what to do feel free to post it :) And money is meant to be SPENT! And I live in Bulgaria (I'm Argentinean though) and I want to go anywhere. (Btw I'll go in the summer) Jesus screw the stock marktet. Markets are falling a lot anyway. Money is spent not invested! I like the cruise idea, very creative didn't think of that, and uhm Hookers and Whisky? Not my style, sorry!
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Stock Market!
2 :
vacation in new york the city that never sleeps
3 :
if i were you i would definitely invest in the stock market, buy cheap sell high :p
4 :
Puerto Rico's nice, and you don't need a passport. San Juan is a pretty gay-friendly area (and there are lots of gringoes). Or go on a cruise ship! Those are always nice.
5 :
what, nobody suggested hookers and whisky
6 :
Please spend it on me! lol
7 :
Spend it on a trip if you'd like, but I would also suggest saving some of it, as you might want a car or something at some point in the near future. I wish I had saved up for my own car when I was younger. *sigh* Anyway, have fun with it, but just keep that in mind, too! =)
8 :
Come and visit me! I am so bored. um... if you don't want to visit me then I'd say keep it until you find something you really want, like a car.

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