Thursday, September 11, 2014



This months by Aleksandar Ares, with layout & original photo by K.K.W. On the cover, Filip Panovski. Art and Animals: fighting the good fight. By K. K. W. All art work by Ruzica (1-5) Prior to meeting her in person for the first time [Skopje, of April 2014], we had been connected on Facebook, althou ...

Bulgaria provides humanitarian aid for Afghanistan landslide victims, 5 Sep 2014

Source: Government of Bulgaria Country: Afghanistan, Bulgaria The ceremony of providing humanitarian aid from the Republic of Bulgaria to the population of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan took place on 3 September on the territory of the Kandahar airfield. The aid was granted with a decree of th ...

#bulgaria #sunnybeach #iceberg #party

#bulgaria #sunnybeach #iceberg #party

Xog Culus + Sawirro:- Nin Turkish ah Oo Wata Somali Diplomatic Passport Daroogadana ka Ganacsada Oo Dalka Bulgeria Lagu qabtay.+ Fadeexo Labaad Oo Soo Wajahday Safaarada Somaliya Ee Dalka Turkiga

Dowladda Bulgaria ayaa gacanta ku dhigtay bishan September 01, nin ka ganacsada Daroogada, una dhashay dalka Turkiga, kaasoo watay Baasaboor Diblomaasi Soomaali ah iyo warqad magacaabid ah oo sheegeysa inuu yahay Qunsul Sharafeed dowladda Soomaaliya uga wakiil ah gobolo ku yaala dalka Turkiga ( Hono ...

CAMPEONATO MUNDIAL: Brasil estreia na segunda fase com vitória por 3 sets a 0

. Equipe dirigida pelo técnico Bernardinho bateu a Bulgária e volta à quadra nesta quinta para enfrentar a China A seleção brasileira masculina de vôlei manteve a invencibilidade no Campeonato Mundial ao derrotar, nesta quarta-feira (10.09), a Bulgária por 3 sets a 0 (25/15, 25/21 e 25/21), em 1h19. ...

Oman fund says working with Bulgaria to solve Corpbank problems

Oman fund says working with Bulgaria to solve Corpbank problems MUSCAT (Reuters) - Oman's biggest sovereign wealth fund, the State General Reserve Fund (SGRF), is working with the Bulgarian government to try to resolve problems at Corporate Commercial Bank (Corpbank), the SGRF's chairman said on Wed ...

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