Friday, May 7, 2010

Why are these elections (obama and mccain) so important

Why are these elections (obama and mccain) so important?
I live in Bulgaria and even here its all over the TV they just keep talking about the elections they talk about it in my world of warcraft character guild in yahoo answers too ! so why ?!?! why are they so much more important then all other ?!
Elections - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because it's OUR future in their HANDS.
2 :
Because it is the first time in the history of our nation that either a black man will become president or the first time a female will be named vice president.
3 :
Probably because the US has a lot of influence in the world. The two candidates have very differing world views. Probably more so than in any recent election, so relations between the US and rest of the world could be shifted dramatically.
4 :
bc obama will NOT be our first black president.
5 :
there not it does,nt matter who wins its the multinationals and bankers who run countries now not elected governments where do you think all the vast sums of campaign money comes from.there is a whole cabal of puppet masters pulling the strings.

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