Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What the fuck should I do

What the fuck should I do?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 2 years. He had proposed to me...I accepted and we had even started trying for a baby. Then about a week ago he tells me that he just needs a break and some time to think about things. Since then I have been staying with my mum and dad. He calls me up every morning to go out for coffee, and then we spend some time together again at night before he goes home. Today I found out that he has e-mailed his ex girlfriend telling her to get rid of her boyfriend. He tells me he loves me, still kisses me, calls me up, wants to spend time together, still speaks about 'our' future and when he see's me he gets this massive smile on his face. Oh and I should mention that an ex boyfriend from scotland (I live in Bulgaria now) has somehow managed to get my e-mail address and has started e-mailing me. I havent sent any replies and I have told my boyfriend about the e-mails he has sent me so he knows I am not keeping or hiding anything from him. Do you think this might have anything to do with him e-mailing his ex???? Please help :(:( I love this man more than anything I have ever loved in my entire live. Without him life just doesnt make sense....He is my reason.
Friends - 2 Answers
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1 :
You do have a troubling problem. Does your current boyfriend know your ex? If he does, he may have gotten in touch with him trying to get you two back together so he can get back with his ex. (Or his ex could have gotten in touch with your ex, but now it is getting really complicated) Or it could be coincidence. You know you can block him from your e-mail to stop them. Classify them as spam and put a block on them. The instructions are in Yahoo Help. Let him have his space. Being responsible for a child for the rest of ones life (or at best, 18 years) is a very big step. Too many people seem not to realize this. Give him time, he is still seeing you everyday, so just take a deep breath and hang on very gently. Good luck, hun.
2 :

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