Thursday, June 14, 2012

how do i teach my baby to speak

ok here is my problem. i am bulgarian married to a turkish man, we have a 1 year old baby girl. we live in bulgaria and we both speak bulgarian,so i want my baby to speak bulgarian too, i really dont like turkish i speak to my baby all the time but everytime i leave her for 2-3 hours with my husbands parents she always says a word in turkish after that. i am tired of his parents,i told them a 100 times please dont speak to the baby in turkish and they always say ok,but everytime i just turn my back they start to talk and my baby memorizes some come she doesnt learn from me in bulgarian ,i am always with her. why is she learning from them so fast? what can i do so that i teach my baby to speak bulgarian? i try everything............ when she wants something she says "give" in turkish and i always tell her " no you say "give" in bulgarian but she keeps on saying it in turkish... i hope you understood me english is not that good but tried my best to explain :
Toddler & Preschooler - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
lol they will catch on but you can teach them sign language you can try talking one on one to them
2 :
If you mainly speak to her in bulgarian, then thats what she will learn. My parents spoke english to me and some of my relatives spoke spanish, I know a lil spanish but I am fluent in english.
3 :
You just have to do what you are doing. Just keep talking to your baby until she repeats it back to you. Some babys learn at different times then others but it is completely normal!
4 :
you should talk to your husband and explain him that baby should speak bulgarian and it's the best for all of you. that's the only way because the baby can't decide what languague should she talk.
5 :
I think your baby is at a perfect age to learn both languages and be bi-lingual. You are teaching her Bulgarian as her 'mother' language so I am sure if you spend a lot of time with her and talking to her she will be talking Bulgarian very quickl. Dont you think it would be nice for her to be able to talk to your husbands parents in Turkish? It could be a problem if you dont speak the language as well but otherwise I wouldnt worry.
6 :
I think you need to lighten up a bit. There is really nothing wrong with her learning both languages...and in fact you will find that it helps her later in life...people who speak multiple languages are very highly sought in prominant well paying jobs. Just continue to "speak" not berrate her in Bulgarian. She will pick it up, and she will know the difference between speaking to you in Bulgarian and speaking to grandparents in Turkish. I dont think it will help you and your husband's relationship at all if you alienate his parents. Do what you think is are her mother..but seriously she will take you more seriously if you stop telling her off and simply talk to her in Bulgarian.
7 :
Babies pick up on everything that is around them at this age, that's why they say to stop the "baby talk" around this age. I wouldn't worry about her pickingup some Turkish words, because where she is the most is where she's hearing Bulgarian. Maybe the Turkish word was just easier for her to pick up on than the Bulgarian word. By the way, your English is very good, much better than a lot of people who live in the USA.
8 :
Would it be okay if she spoke both languages? I work at a childcare center and we have a little boy there who is from russia. His parents speak russian (not too much english), so this little boy learned to speak russian from listening to his parents, but he also speaks english very well from being at the childcare center. She will learn your language too, dont worry. Try reading to her often. Children's books...maybe get one book that you read every night before bed (it could even be the same book every night). Reading encourages language development...and if you find a book that she loves (and you read it every night) she'll become familiar with the words that you are reading to her.

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