Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm afraid to lose weight because of the swine flu

I'm afraid to lose weight because of the swine flu?
I live in Bulgaria and last year I put weight that I want to lose this year. But should I wait until the swine flu is over?. I'm really frightened to this flu. What to do?
Diet & Fitness - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
depends on what way your going to lose weight, is it through the exercise or the diet type. if through exercise, then its alright but if its through diet, you might want to think it through because it depends on what kind of foods you will intake. PILLS, DRUGS, MEDICATION OF SOMESORT. ALLLL UNSAFE might want to keep in mind..... annual flu is worse than H1N1 beside H1N1 can kill you only if there is another primary cause sickness like pneumonia or heart disease
2 :
Start working out. Get healthy and strong. A healthy active body with a healthy active immune system could be your best defense. Or just buy a plastic bubble.
3 :
I suggest getting morbidly obese, save yourself from those swines!
4 :
Never work out strenuously if you're running a fever or suffering from a bronchial infection--it will only make it worse. Trust your body. If you feel ok, take on some low-impact exercises like walking, but save the high-impact stuff for when you're well again.

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