Thursday, January 7, 2010

Would anyone be interested in visiting Bulgaria

Would anyone be interested in visiting Bulgaria?
kay, I lived in Bulgaria, Gabrovo from since I was born, untill 13 years old. I came to USA with a green card, and I usually go back every summer. Its the best time ever, especially if you have money, its a party life, ill tell you that. This summer, Im thinking about going with someone who is not from there, so I can show him around, have fun, and at the same time make some money. I dont know how many people have heard about Bulgaria, and the places you can go, but if you start looking on the i-net, you will find some very bueatiful places. Im probably going to Bulgaria in a month, Im looking for a person to come with me, maybe to describe it best, is a party person, non stop. I like drinking, dancing, clubbing, friends, just going around the world, so if it has some of those hobbys, it would probably a + .. Mm If anyone is interested, just write me on the post board, if you r, and we will see from then... But just rememmber cant be more then 2 people, but best would be 1 person.. PLEASE only Series People, and if you r really up to it, you can come visit me in Arizona. Phoenix, first, youll have a place to sleep, then we can leave if you like me as a person to travel with. Please only series people..
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sorry. i've already been there a couple of times. thanks anyway...

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