Friday, January 1, 2010

Going back to live in England

Going back to live in England.?
I am 18 years old and originally from England. I have lived in Bulgaria for a year and a half and now me and my Bulgarian Boyfriend (who speaks English) want to go to England to live and work there. I have searched google on how to go about it regarding finding a place to live and finding jobs but that hasnt been much help. Is there anyone who could be of any help?? Thank you...
Other - United Kingdom - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just pick a place you like and move there, it can be like an adventure! I don't know if you're up to speed on the British economy but there aren't that many jobs going around so maybe put it off for a couple of years.
2 :
ok first you'll have to sort out his visa which should be easy since he's from Europe, this site will help with all of that info: as for jobs look at these sites: and for a place to stay: this site has loads of useful ads for people looking for flatmates etc: hope all that helps!
3 :
It would depend on what type of work your boyfriend can do as to whether or not he would be able to get a job here. There are still restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians coming here to work...

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