Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is there an organization that can help put my father away? (he has some serious anger problems!)?
Ok so I'm a 14 year old boy. I have 1 older brother whose 16 and one very kind and loving mother (43). My father is a diabetic Deputy-Ambassador and he has some serious anger management problems. And my family can't handle all his shouting, verbal abuse, and threats to be beaten up, dis-owned, or have our birth-right erased. My mother, brother, and I are having some serious emotional time when he shouts, and it gets worse and worse...and the worst part is he gets angry for the slightest reason. Today for example my brother on accident said the wrong name of the current president of our country and my father burst out shouting. He's smashed my glass map of our country (which was in my room) and he screamed at us louder than ever. He asked my mother why she doesn't beat my brother and I and why she doesn't punish us. For example my father is starving me right now and my brother ran away today with his girlfriend. But the worst part is my father is completely angry at me and I didn't do anything today. This has been going on for several years and it's killing me inside. I need an organization that can send him away or treat his craziness. And I live in Bulgaria (an Eastern-European country) so some international help would be great. Please I don't know if I can handle it anymore...worse for my poor mother and brother! Thank you!
Marriage & Divorce - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
wheres you mother? talk to her and tell her everything
2 :
this is very hard to deal with but no matter how high up the chain your father is he is still just another man. you can tell you school conselor and ask them for help. call a battered womans shelter or a teen hotline here in the U.S. there are several things you could do I do not know anything about where you are but there should be some kind of help for you runaway shelters, or even if you have Child Protective services you can contact them and ask for help. but make sure you dont back down or it will only get worse if you chose to take the path, dont be to hard on your mom she is probably scared that if she tries anything he will hurt you and your brother, be strong I hope this helps. good luck
3 :
In New Zealand we have a government organization called 'child, youth and family' They usually protect people from that stuff, try a government website or go to anyone who has authority, you really need to sort that out, it seems like its starting to get dangerous! Do it as soon as possible and get your family away from him. Make sure h doesn't find out what you did until youre away from him bcoz he could get really angry for trying to leave. - Im really worried now! email me if you want to talk.

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