Sunday, October 21, 2012

Is the an organization that can put my father away somewhere (He has some serious anger problems)

Is the an organization that can put my father away somewhere (He has some serious anger problems)?
Ok so I'm a 14 year old boy. I have 1 older brother whose 16 and one very kind and loving mother (43). My father is a diabetic Deputy-Ambassador and he has some serious anger management problems. And my family can't handle all his shouting, verbal abuse, and threats to be beaten up, dis-owned, or have our birth-right erased. My mother, brother, and I are having some serious emotional time when he shouts, and it gets worse and worse...and the worst part is he gets angry for the slightest reason. Today for example my brother on accident said the wrong name of the current president of our country and my father burst out shouting. He's smashed my glass map of our country (which was in my room) and he screamed at us louder than ever. He asked my mother why she doesn't beat my brother and I and why she doesn't punish us. For example my father is starving me right now and my brother ran away today with his girlfriend. But the worst part is my father is completely angry at me and I didn't do anything today. This has been going on for several years and it's killing me inside. I need an organization that can send him away or treat his craziness. And I live in Bulgaria (an Eastern-European country) so some international help would be great. Please I don't know if I can handle it anymore...worse for my poor mother and brother! Thank you!
Psychology - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your father needs to go to a mental health professional. I don't know what the laws are in your country. You'll have to investigate what they are so you can protect your rights. I would suggest that your family does an intervention. Basically you, your mom, and your brother get together to write down ultimatums (things that you will follow through with), your feelings, and what you want him to do in order to keep you as a family. You practice them and have a family meeting. Keep the police on stand by. Once you have got him there, each member reads what they wrote down. He will have two options at this point. Either he gets help and treats you like family or your family leaves him. If you have a mental health professional there, it'll be much better. There is absolutely no guarentee that he will change. Its the best thing you can do though. Its better to leave him and be impoverished than terrorized for the rest of your life.
2 :
Honey I don't know what the laws are in your country BUT hopefully there are some advocacy for children. Do you have school counselors. If so, start there. Your father's diabetes is probably out of control. He needs to see his doctor to get his blood-sugars regulated. It can make a person rather crazy. I know. I am diabetic too. Fortunately I don't have anger like that but I keep pretty okay. If he hasn't always been abusive, there is most likely a physical reason affecting his mental faculties. Talk with mum and see if she is aware and can help get him into a doctor. Another thing is that diabetics often suffer major depression. That can take the form of aggressive anger too. Maybe with medication he would be different. But meanwhile you need to get help and I don't know about any organization internationally. I hope there is support from your community and that laws are on the side of children and spouses suffering abuse. Would the police be helpful? God bless you. Please let us know that you are okay and if you were able to get the support you need. I am praying for you.
3 :
omg dude that sucks i hate your dad and i dont even know him... well i recommend that you talk with your mother first and see how shes doing t and if she wont leave him then your gonna have to mention this to a school counselor or someone this may end with your father being taken away for a while but he seriously needs to learn to control his anger... btw im sorry about your map dude and i really hope that things get better for you

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