Friday, September 21, 2012

Becoming pro female wrestler

Becoming pro female wrestler...?
So here's the thing. Ever since I was little I dreamed of becoming involved in the wrestling business. Everything about it just... fascinates me. Lol i can't explain it with words. I've been training hard since I was 9 ( I am 14 now ) but the problem is that I live in Bulgaria (which is quite far from America) and there aren't things like wrestling schools and wrestling trainers. It has been really hard for me to actually train and to ignore all the mocking. So I just want a detailed answer, what do i have to do to achieve my dream. I would really do anything (when i become 18 i am going to America) And I don't want any comments like: "Just quit, why are you even trying?" and things like that. Thanks for the help! (:
Wrestling - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
get implants and your good to go as a WWE diva
2 :
There should definitely be wrestling schools somewhere in Bulgaria. If not like you said when you get older you can travel to places where you can get that training. If you can i advise to read the book 'A Lions Tale' by chris jericho. It will be helpful to you.
3 :
Piskova, Do not let others keep you from your dream. Wrestling is a very ancient sport and is not limited to men alone. If there are no books on wrestling in a library near you perhaps you can go on line to find some. To become very good at wrestling you do need practice and this is with someone your size. In Bulgaria there must be some fitness, martial arts, or fighting schools or clubs so look in magazines and on line for some place to practice. Good luck Spartawo...
4 :
If you are coming to America to become a pro wrestler, you know that you are have to train and I don't know any wrestling school from where you live, but I can give you some school that are here in America and maybe England. Also wrestling schools acts as also a promotional. American Schools: Ohio Valley Wrestling - runs by Danny Davis website: Harley Race Wrestling Academy/World League Wrestling - runs by Harley Race website: Florida Championship Wrestling - runs by Steve Keirn website: Texas Wrestling Academy/Texas Wrestling Entertainment - runs by Rudy Gonzalez website: Funking Conservatory Wrestling School/Bang! - runs by Dory Funk Jr. website: Monster Factory - runs by Larry Sharpe website: Team 3D Academy of Professional Wrestling - runs by Brother Devon and Bully Ray website: England School: Dropkixx Wrestling Training School/Dropkixx Promotions - runs by Jon Ritchie website: The reasons why I know much about it has been by the wrestlers in WWE or TNA. Florida Championship Wrestling is also the developmental territory for WWE. Also, I read from my sources that Texas Wrestling Academy is doing a tribute show on March 5th for one of their former wrestlers who died last August.

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