Monday, June 21, 2010

Why my parents dont allaw me to be an actor

Why my parents dont allaw me to be an actor ?
I am 14 years old boy.I live in Bulgaria , but acting their sucks... I want to go and start a real career like in NYC or LA but , I shared with them what I want to become in future (an actor) ... and they said its a bad idea .They want me to become a diplomat or politician ....I am totally confused . All my friends and parents don't like this. Nobody supports me .
Theater & Acting - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Since you're 14, you have a way to go before even considering moving to New York. Even if the options for acting in Bulgaria "suck" to you, don't discount it totally. Do they have school plays there? Get involved in drama at school or in local theater. Many famous actors started out that way. You'll get a head start on learning about acting.
2 :
don't put your future in the hands of someone else you are your own soul and you are here to prove that your an individual that follows his own instincts stick to your goal start saving up money to go to those place because there pretty expensive in the mean time take classes there even though you say they suck chances are you'll be the best out of all of them right?:]] goodluck be ambitious!
3 :
I think you need to wait a few more years,try studying really well until you are about 18 or so, and then try making a move to the acting world. So i guess you have about 4 years of studying,be part of plays etc
4 :
Take matters into your own hands.
5 :
Wait a few years. Trust me, New York is expensive to live in. You just have to show them somehow that you can do it and never give up your dreams. You have to take the good with the bad if you want to start early, go for this "sucky" acting in Bulgaria, you'll stick out if your a good enough actor as you say. People will notice. Take it from me, kid, good rewards come with perseverance and patience.
6 :
Your parents love you and want you to be happy. They apparently think that happiness will come from a relatively stable job with a steady income, but if it's not something you want to do then clearly you won't be happy. But they probably know that pursuing a career in acting leads to a lot of disappointment and lean times and want you to avoid stuff like that. If it's your dream, then you'll have to pursue it, but moving straight from Bulgaria to LA with no experience or backup is a recipe for disaster. Everyone else here is right; you should do everything you can there and develop your craft. Even if you don't move to America right away, there are plenty of big cities in Europe with acting opportunities. They might have an easier time accepting that.

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