Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Do Guinea Pigs live in the wild in Bulgaria

Do Guinea Pigs live in the wild in Bulgaria?

Zoology - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think so, guinea pigs are from south america not from europe.
2 :
yes they do
3 :
They do and are considered a delicious meal too.
4 :
no they live in peru and guinea p.s. you know whats weird people in peru actually eat em
5 :
Not unless they are escaped pets or an introduced species. Guinea pigs are native to South America. Bulgaria does have several species of shrews, hamsters and other rodents that could easily mistaken for guinea pigs.
6 :
No. The wild ancestor of the domestic guinea pig is native to South America.
7 :
only if they escaped captivity

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