Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A few questions about Harvard University

A few questions about Harvard University..?
Hello everyone , I am 15 years old and I live in Bulgaria (eastern Europe).. My dream is to study in USA , at Harvard.. Can you please tell me how does the entrance to Harvard works? ( what tests do I need to take ,how much money must I give).. Thank you for your time!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
2 :
They will ask for your school transcripts, SAT scores, probably TOEFL score, letters of recommendation, and anything else you would include in your country. It will cost something (less than $100) to apply, and more than $40,000 a year if you get in. But since no one has a good shot at getting in, have a backup plan.
3 :
Harvard is not easy to get into by any means. It's the number one school in America. Get excellent grades, idk how the grading system works in Bulgaria so I can't really tell you what you'll need. It is extremely expensive, just tuition alone is almost 40,000 dollars a year, not including room and board and dining. Go to their website and look under international admissions. That should tell you everything. I can't help you that much since your from out of the country and don't take the same tests and exams we do in America. But just be absolutely the best and nothing less at your school and you'll have a shot.

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