Saturday, November 21, 2009

How can i get a runescape membership withs out a credit card

How can i get a runescape membership withs out a credit card?
Hi i just want to know how can i get a runescape membership without a credit card.I live in Bulgaria.
Video & Online Games - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The only other way to get it is to go to some gaming store. They have the cards to become members there. Other than that there is no way unless you go to eBay.
2 :
There are membership cards sold at various stores such as 7-11. The only dilemna you may run into is that they aren't sold in every country, so you may be unable to obtain one.
3 :
You can pay for membership in many ways for runescape (Ex. SMS, Mail, Paypal.. Exc) these are not direct ways for you to pay for membership with a credit card. The way i would say would be easiest would be to go to any chain store (Ex. Walmaart, Target, Kroger..) and go around the counter and look for a "Runescape membership 3 Month card" They will generally run for 20$ without taxes. That would be your best bet.
4 :
You can find prepaid Membership cards at many stores, including Best Buy, Futureshop, Zellers, 7-11 and more. You have the choice of a 1 month for $8 or 3 months for $22.50.
5 :
im gessing you still go to school and live with your parents if you dont have a credit card. i had this problem too. for me i had to walk 3 miles to a 7-11 to buy one. now if you go after school or something a local gamestop, target, or anything with entertainment has them

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