Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How can I convince my parents to let me go on holiday with my friend and her family to Bulgaria

How can I convince my parents to let me go on holiday with my friend and her family to Bulgaria?
Im a girl im 13 and i live in Ireland.Ive asked my parents over and over again even though im gonna pay for the tickets.My parents are refusing to let me go.Im wonderin if anyone could recommend how to convince them because i only have three weeks left to do so.....HELP!!!
Friends - 4 Answers
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1 :
Bloody spams. Anyway, you're 13 and although you may not like it your parents may be right, bulgaria can be a dangerous place for young girls and your parents are just worrying because your friends family aren't your own family, they don't know 100% if they are going to look after you and make sure you come back safe and alive, though you could maybe talk to your parents and see if letting them meet the family and people going on the trip would help, have your friends parents come around and talk to them and stuff, maybe even offering to do extra housework or wash all the dishes or something like that, anything is worth a shot but remember, they're only saying no because they don't want their young daughter getting hurt so don't be too mad if they continue to say no.
2 :
You're not going to like this, but I have to go with accepting what your parents say. They have their reasons, I'm sure. They see life through a different lens than you do because of their position as your guardians. There will be many times that you will have to trust your parents to make the right decision for you. Maybe their reasons are financial, maybe not. I bet they want you to SAVE your money for college since it's only a few years down the road. You also would probably like to drive and they may want your savings to be applied to those real needs. There are so many reasons I could think of, but all are guesses. Try to accept their answer and plan some fun things to do with the time you have off around your neighborhood. It will make for a much nicer home environment if you give in on this one.
3 :
umm nooooooo other commentor bg is not dangerous for a girl visiting with a friends family. bulgaria (bg) is the country im proud to be from. to convince your parents introduce them to your friends family. bulgarians are friendly so no prob. i just hope your parents arent the type that have a stick up their a**
4 :
If they have a reason for you not to go, it's usually a really good one. They wont budge either way. You're a 13 year old girl. There are too many things that can go wrong if you're that far away from your family for a long time. Even if you're with someone else's family, and parents. Key thing is, you will be miles away, with other people, far away from their supervision. What if something happened? They can't just jump on a plane and rush to you in time. My parents have a hard time even letting me go on an island with my best friend, and trusted parents, of 5 years. You can keep trying to ask them, but they most likely will keep saying no. Good luck.

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