Saturday, January 1, 2011

How can I keep my cocker from getting matted up

How can I keep my cocker from getting matted up?
We live in a rural area and my one year old cocker spaniel likes to run around through the brush and the trees around our house. We bathe him twice a week and I comb his hair daily, bu the still manages to get matted with burs and mud, etc. I like him looking shaggy, so when we take him to the groomer we always ask that they leave ihs hair kind of long. Is there anything I can use in his hair or something that would keep it from getting matted? If he keeps getting matted, I'm going to have to have the groomer start cutting his hair shorter and I really hate to do that because he has a beautiful coat. Wow. I just reread this thing. Sorry for all the typos.
Dogs - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First, I wouldn't bathe him tiwce a week I am a dog groomer and you are only suppose to bathe once every two weeks because thierskin will get dry. Second, I wouldnt let him run around in the bushes and if he does brush him right after. I hope you don't have to cut his hair I hyave 2 award winning malteses and can't imagine them with thierhair cut off. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!
2 :
i would try to find a loving home for your dog if you can't..keep it inside and take it on daily walks on concrete or should own a dog that fits in with you and your surroundings...a short haired low maintence dog...your poor cockerspaniel, think about it
3 :
I have the same problem with my cocker spaniel. I'm thinking I am going to (unfortunately) get his fur cut shorter. :(
4 :
get his hair cut to medium and put a matt free coat on him found at target!

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