Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The easiest and fastest way to brake in your hokey skates

The easiest and fastest way to brake in your hokey skates?
I want to ask how to brake in your skates the easiest way. Because I live in bulgaria and we do not have any machines to heat up your boot!And if any one can give me some tips on how to pimp out my skates (I mean put some cushion or something so it is more comfortable.).Thank you! BTW my skates model are Powerslide Nexus 08.
Ice Skating - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The easiest and fastest way to break in your skates without heating them is to simply skate in them. You could probably get some blade guards and wear them around your house to help break them in, I normally wouldn't advise this but it could work for you. There isn't really much you can do to make them more comfortable. They should be a lot more comfortable when you break them in. If there is a problem spot that is bugging you, you can get some Bunga pads to help cushion it.
2 :
well wear them of course! if you have access to an oven you could put your skates in it, but make sure the oven is at its lowest temperature or else your skates might melt or something, you could put them next to a fire for a while too this one girl i know has her skates lined with sheeps skin they are probly the softest thing ever & like walking on a cloud! you could get bunga pads too they are gel & really comfy, theyre a figure skaters top secret :)

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