Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you are from Bulgaria or know anything about Bulgaria please help me

If you are from Bulgaria or know anything about Bulgaria please help me?
I was wondering what the daily routine is like if you live in Bulgaria? Please be detailed. THANKS SO MUCH!!! I was asked to compare my culture, in the United States, to another culture and I chose Bulgaria because I met some people from there a while back and it got me interested... so that's why i'm interested
Other - Society & Culture - 1 Answers
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Wake up in the morning and eat an oily banitza with feta pastry along with a ferment sweet boza drink if you are thirty or below. If not, you don't eat breakfast, but drink a strong black coffee w/o sugar along with a cigarette. Most Bulgarians don't shower in the morning so you will probably get dressed quickly after washing your face and head for the bus stop or your car. Most Bulgarians use some kind of a public transport so during rush hour chances are that your will be firmly against a stinky body wondering if anybody will pick pocket you. If you drive yourself to work or school, chances are with all the bad traffic you will have some close calls on auto accidents. You will get off into a puddled, muddy, iced or dusty bus stop or you will be circling around for minutes till you find a parking spot. Most bulgarians use the sidewalk to park and most vehicles have two tires on the sidewalk and two on the street. Chances are you will get into a building where it is either too hot or too cold. Air conditioning is still a luxury in Bulgaria although high energy prices are pushing more bulgarians towards AC and blower temperature control and conditioning. It is OK for most places in Bulgaria to be fashionably late, although plenty of teachers or bosses will let you know about it. If at work, you will do whatever it is you do with lots of personal conversations and coffee + smoke breaks plus a big lunch break. If at school, expect to have a lunch break shortly before noon for about half an hour and expect to get back at around one thirty. Some schools still have two shifts for students where one month grades 1 through 7 go to school 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM and grades 8 through 12 go to school 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM. At the end of the month the two groups switch shifts. Most schools are riggidy although improvements are noticable here and there. Teachers are underpaid and the old soviet style of harsh discipline and disgruntled attitude towards the students is still visible at times despite a new generation replacing the old school of teaching. Classes are hard or too easy to pass exams depending on how well of a school you are going to. Textbooks are full of lengthy chapters of stretchy concepts. Schools give lots of homework so depending on which shift you are on, you are bound to do lots of studying and homework from middle school on before or after school. After school or work you get on the crammed city transport, walk or drive yourself home. Bulgarians work on average of 43 hours per week, which is up for debate on wether it is quality or quantity. When at home, most Bulgarians will watch TV and spend time with family and probably prepare for a late supper. Most Bulgarians will eat supper from 8-9 PM on and immediately after watch more TV, take a shower and/or go to bed. Bulgarians party Fridays and Saturdays if working, but college and high school students would party any day if possible. Bulgarians are drinkers so expect a good amount of beer and rakia to be drank with meals. Some go as far as qualifying Bulgarians as at home alcoholics, but Bulgarians reject that. Bulgarians will watch lots of soccer and currently there is a Chalga movement of below mediocre folk music with oriental elements in it. Most people either adore or deplore it with few people like myself in the middle who can bear with it, but only so much. I hope that helps. You should visit Bulgaria. Women are beautiful and it is still relatively cheap. Or sea coast is gorgeous and lots of fun. Good Luck!

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