Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How can I make friends at high school

How can I make friends at high school?
I live in Bulgaria.I'm in school for more than 2 months now and I still don't have good friends with who I talk to. I was in school 2 - 3 days and because I sing in a choir I went to Holland for an opera and stayed there 18 days. This is my first year in high school and I'm learning German l I'm not really communicative and its really hard for me to make friends. My family isn't that rich. In my old class i was one of the best: in clothes in grades, and that's because my old school was really not that good ( like there were better but it wasn't the worst ) And since I was good i went in the best high school. But there the kids are really smart and you know... rich and now I cant really compete with them. And that i missed so much I'm not that good in grades too ( Tho I go to lessons and I have almost evened things out) So I have problems with that. It's not that anyone hates me it's just 4 - 5 of them talk things like that I cant play soccer ( its true tho ) and that I'm bad in school. I don't know what to do to be a part of someones group or to be funny like a bunch of them. Please help :( . And sorry for my grammar.
Friends - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just be yourself and things will work out fine I promise
2 :
Grouping is always bad. It cannot attract friends for you. You have to be a straight forward type of guy no matter who likes it who dislikes it. Truth is always attractive. I suppose you understand what I mean.
3 :
It's cool and it sounds kinda lame but I mean what works for me is being yourself but more blunt,people seem to be more cool with people that like to get there honest opinion out there and love when a person doesn't lie to them.all you have to do is focus on you and others will come,I almost 100%know they will
4 :
I agree 100% with what the others said, bud what i like to ad is this: Always be Confidend have fait in youreself and never look down, look up instead, be youreself and then like the rest said things will work out just fine=)
5 :
Try to let go of this fear that you're not funny enough -- or your clothes aren't nice enough -- even temporarily, like for 10 minutes, and chat to someone you see regularly in class. The fact is most people are too preoccupied with their own concerns to worry to much about what YOU'RE doing. What's the worst that could happen, anyway, if someone "judges" you? That they'll say, "Hey this person is dumb?" If they think that, eff them, they're not a good friend for you, and move onto the next. Maybe you could practice online for a bit and build friendships that way? Check out and practice making small talk and smiling with a few random strangers who you'll never have to see again. The more you practice, the easier it will get. :)

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