Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why do you think Bulgaria participated in First and Second World Wars

Why do you think Bulgaria participated in First and Second World Wars?
i. wanted to conquer new teritories ii. wanted to bring back teritories, where still do live Bulgarians iii. some other reasons
Military - 1 Answers
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1 :
iii. Other reasons They were bored. I mean, come on, it's Bulgaria.
2 :
The First World War saw them fighting against the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria allied with the Axis Powers in World War II. During this time the country occupied parts of Greece and Yugoslavia, where it deported to death camps a vast majority of the Jewish populations of the territory it invaded as an Axis participant. Bulgaria however was the only country that saved its entire Jewish population (around 50,000) from the Nazi camps by refusing to comply with a 31 August 1943 resolution, which demanded their deportation to Auschwitz.

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