Sunday, February 21, 2010

What can I do to make my girl trust me moreWhat can I do to make my girl trust me more

What can I do to make my girl trust me more?
I've been communicating with her for 6 months. I trust her very much. She often makes confessions that she loves me. But I know that she doesn't trust me much, because we live in different points of the world. I live in Bulgaria, she lives in Hong Kong. If there's a psychologist between you readers, please contact me. :)
Psychology - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I have the same problem exept for I live in spain and my boyfriend lives in england. Smaller distance but hey. Just show her attenbtion and that ay she'll think that you are deperate to see her and wont look at another girl. She'll just ahve to learn to trust you.
2 :
Hey! Continue to be honest to her. She will feel your loyalty towards her and will automatically come to trust you. Believe me. Sure. I am telling you with my own experience. I trust my guy even if he is far away from me. I am true to him as well as him to me. So Our life is cool and happy coz it's a temporary separation.
3 :
see friend she is ur pen friend and to make a pen friend to trust you you have to make it sure that you should say him if u really has a girlfriend or what and also u has to be small in front of her never try to be in front of her like if she said i lived in a great house you shold appreciate her i think u should watch a bollywood film lage raho munnabhai u will get ur answer
4 :
Try the small things that matter in life, like sending her some flowers at work or writing her a love letter rather than email, place all your feelings into it, maybe a small poem also about how you feel about her. Let her know you would like her to come and see you or meet half way, spending some time in each others company is more of a challenge for your relationship, it will either make it or break it, after all being around each other is allot different to talking over the net or email.. good luck!
5 :
Ok.... I don't have any experience with girls - only with boys, so, I'm afraid that I can't help you.......... But, I would like to give you some advice: you'd better not trust her because You still don't know Her. Try to find people out of chat - out of your computer.... (Because chat makes us antisocial......)* *That's the most important advice.... I wish you good luck!

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