Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Age problem in a relashonship

Age problem in a relashonship ?
Shes almost 12 im 15 b4 i dive into a relashonship with her i want to know if its ok . PS we live in bulgaria so no idiotic sexual abuce laws . Worst case i get yelled at from her parents
Toddler & Preschooler - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you really love her. Age is but a number! When I was 12 I dated a 15 year old.
2 :
I agree with the poster above. If you really like her I don't see why you want date. If her parent's or yours don't approve though then don't date against there back.
3 :
Age of consent in Bulgaria is 14. So sorry, but you don't even know the laws in your own country? Right. And it's abuse with an s, not a c.
4 :
sorry, i dont know?
5 :
close enough to me i think you'll be ok

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