Sunday, July 1, 2012

Friend that I've known for longer seems to like my sister as a friend more

Friend that I've known for longer seems to like my sister as a friend more ?
Well I used to live in Bulgaria for 2 years a while back and I went to school there for first and second grade. Well I had this one friend that lasted ever since and when I'd visit him and his bestfriend (which is my friend too, we were all three in the same first grade class together) would hang out with me and my sister Joy. Well this past summer I went there and since I'm super shy I wouldnt really speak much, even though I wanted to I would try and attempt and then kinda embarass myself but they didnt seem to mind. Anyways whenever we'd hang out (all four of us) he would definatly leave me out (but he was clueless about it, he didnt seem to mean to do it) and it hurt my feelings a lot since I knew him first and now he was talking to my sister more and not paying attention to me. Anyways well I have him on facebook and I've noticed he posted "Merry Christmas" on my sisters wall and he never ever does that to me. He never has tried to start a convo with me since I left in the summer to come back to the US. He also posted on her wall "Happy New Year". Like wtf is that :/ It hurt my feelings a lot and I wanna confront him about it but I don't know how to. Any advice ? Why do you think he's doing that. I was never a ***** to him, ever. I can't help my shyness and that my sister is really sociable. Its really upset me. I'm going back in two years for the summer. I really dont know how to handle this. I just dont really understand this. So I have these questions: -what do you guys think about this situation ? -how should I approach this ? -what should I do when I return, should I ask to hang out or wait til he asks me to see if he really wants to ? PLEASE HELP ME GUYS !
Friends - 1 Answers
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Interesting problem, but there seems to be a flaw in it. You said you wanted to confront him about giving your sister more attention, but you don't confront him about talking to you more. Confronting him about talking to you more is not as it sounds, what it means more than anything is that YOU need to initiate the conversation. If you just initiate a conversation about why he is giving your sister more attention, then he will be creeped out more than likely. You cannot just come out of left field and start telling him he should give you more attention. First, start trying to talk to him more; if shyness is that big of an issue, then take a deep breath and remember that he is giving your sister more attention. Use that anger as fuel for courage to talk to him more. Feel free to email me if you need anymore help on the matter.

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