Thursday, January 1, 2009

how many people live in bulgaria and how big is bulgaria

how many people live in bulgaria and how big is bulgaria?
How many people live in Bulgaria ? I can't find how many people ? & How big is it ? Like approximately, I need an example, Like it's 93 000 sq km which means it can fit into Ukraine 6 times, thanks.
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The population of Bulgaria is 7.9 million people, and it's falling. The area of Bulgaria extends over 110,910 square kilometers, which makes it half the size of the UK.
2 :
About 7 millions. As big as the State of Tennessee.
3 :
It's 110 933 км2 with 7,2 million people and I would know cause I live there. ;)

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