Monday, September 22, 2014

UPDATE 2-Tens of thousands crowd New York streets for climate march

UPDATE 2-Tens of thousands crowd New York streets for climate march

Organizers said some 550 busloads had arrived for the rally, which followed similar events in 166 countries including Britain, France, Afghanistan and Bulgaria. "Today I am marching for my children. I am marching so they can live in a world without ...

just design

Some amazing concept motorcycle designs by Konstantin Laskov, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bulgarian consumer watchdog to sue local telecom operators

( Bulgaria's Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP) has identified the same unfair contract term in the contracts the country's three telecom operators create and is taking legal action against them, the watchdog said in a statement earlier this week CCP believes that the penalty cla ...

Alti patru raniti in accidentul din Bulgaria au fost adusi in Capitala cu un elicopter SMURD la Spitalul de Urgenta Floreasca

Al treilea elicopter, care a transportat patru dintre ranitii in accidentul petrecut duminica din Bulgaria, a aterizat pe Stadionul Dinamo. Ranitii au fosti dusi la Spitalul Floreasca din Capitala.

Bulgaria se lauda cu invatoarea care a devenit viral pe internet dupa prima zi de scoala

Vecinii bulgari sunt extrem de mandri dupa ce o invatatoare de-a lor a devenit pe vedeta pe site-ul 9gag.

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