Sunday, September 21, 2014

Top sociologist Kancho Stoychev: Task No1? Saving Bulgaria's Corporate Commercial Bank

Top sociologist Kancho Stoychev: Task No1? Saving Bulgaria's Corporate Commercial Bank

Sofia. In an interview for Weekend weekly, sociologist Kancho Stoychev, director of Gallup Agency, commented on the issue of Corporate Commercial Bank. He said that urgent reforms were needed in a number of areas, including Corporate Commercial Bank, as ...

Chaplain honored for 42 years of active service

Archpriest Chaplain Carl Jerome Cwiklinski, CPT CHC USN, was honored upon his retirement from 42 years of distinguished military service here on Friday, September 18, 2014. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, celebrated a Service of Thanksgiving in Camp Pendleton’s Saint John the Forerunner Chapel, ...

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