Thursday, September 11, 2014

For Sale Farm in Sofiya, Bulgaria - 118700 EUR

For Sale Farm in Sofiya, Bulgaria - 118700 EUR

Megatex Commerce Ltd offers for sale a good property, consisting of two massive farm buildings on 810 sq. m and 486 sq. m and 8455 sq. m of land. It is located at the entrance of Dragoman, 500 meters from the main road Sofia-Belgrade. The property is ...

PRESS DIGEST - Bulgaria - Sept 11

SOFIA, Sept 11 (Reuters) - These are some of the main stories in Bulgarian newspapers on Thursday. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. -- Sofia City Court postponed until October 21 its decision on Russia's request ...

EU Payments May Restart In November

The European Commission expressed its willingness to restart payments on the European programmes as soon as possible, said the press office of Bulgaria's Government in a statement. This became clear at a meeting of Bulgaria's caretaker deputy PM Iliana Tsanova and the European Commissioner for Regio ...

Geocaching i Bulgaria

Ën av tingene jeg hadde gledet meg til å gjøre i Bulgaria, var å finne noen flere Geocacher. ( Les mer om dem her) Og vi fant tre stykker på turen.To av dem lå rett i nærheten av hotellet, og den tredje i byen Varna. Den kjekkeste, som også var en liten tur, var en cache som het "The Perfect Cone Ch ...


The Jesus Prayer is a short, formulaic prayer esteemed and advocated within the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches. It is, for the Orthodox, one of the most profound and mystical prayers and is often repeated endlessly as part of a personal ascetic practice. In a modern context the cont ...

13, 19, 20 y 27 de Septiembre ILINDA PETROVA

La gran pianista Ilinda Petrova regresa al Café del Infante para ofrecernos sus nuevas melodías en 3 mágicas noches llenas de sensibilidad. Como siempre, su magistral interpretación de clásicos al piano junto a sus nuevas melodías nos harán vivir unas veladas inolvidables en este mes de Junio Ilinda ...

25 million. Euros spent Varna Municipality for European City of Culture "Bulgaria 2019" (video) |

25 million. Euros spent Varna Municipality for the book "Bulgaria 2019" (video) | Uncle's comment: A lot of angry posters out there, they claim to have spent 25 million Euro on the European City of Culture bid and still managed to spell 'building' with an 'h' ..and of course lose ...


Date : 13.09.2014 2 FIXED MATCH ODD: 2.55 and 2.60 Special Price: 50euro Before ,50 euro after Payment: Western union, Pay Pal, Neteller In our team are people from Malaysia, Singapore, Ukraine, Bulgaria and S.Arabia. We have direct contact with many bookmaker owners, professional sport players, coa ...

L'America? Adesso è la Bulgaria

Pochi giorni fa è stato inaugurato un ufficio di collocamento a Sofia, per permettere ai sardi di orientarsi nel mercato del lavoro. La nuova America è ad est. Almeno stando ai flussi emigratori. Molti italiani, infatti, sempre più colpiti dalla crisi e soffocati dalle tasse, abbandonano quel che re ...

Summer Universities, within the international relationships of the Hungarian Royal Erzsébet University between 1920-1946

by Adrienn Sztana-Kovács What kind of foreign educational opportunities did the Hungarian students have at an university, that was founded in Pozsony (Bratislava) in 1914, and quickly changed its seat twice between 1919 and 1923? In our short writing we try to give an impresson of the summer univers ...

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