Friday, September 19, 2014



Finance Ministry Holding Talks on EUR 800 M Loan by EIB

Bulgaria's interim Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva has announced the Finance Ministry is negotiating on a new loan from the European Investment Bank. The EUR 800 M would be earmarked for ongoing infrastructure projects. These include the construction of the road between Vidin (in northwest ...

Bulgaria News

Arrancan en el mar Negro los ejercicios militares de la OTAN

La OTAN inicia ejercicios bélicos en aguas internacionales de los Balcanes, con buques de guerra y tropas de varios países miembros que también 'estarán de visita' en Bulgaria hasta el 22 de septiembre. Se llevarán a cabo ejercicios navales de la OTAN al sureste del puerto de Constanza, fuera de las ...


FESTIVAL DE JAZZ EN BANSKO Llegar a Bansko es llegar al corazón del Parque Nacional de Pirin. Al lugar donde la montaña es mármol y es granito. A la cuna del nacionalismo búlgaro. A la población donde se une tradición y modernidad; laberínticas calles empedradas y modernos remontes para esquiadores. ...


Bulgaria News

Greece and Bulgaria Discuss Gas Imports

The Bulgarian government announced on Thursday that the country is talking with Greece concerning gas imports, fearing that the Ukraine crisis may lead to disruption of supply from Russia. Poland, Slovakia and Austria have reported slight decline in ...

EBRD warns post-Cold War "peace dividend" at risk

But the EBRD is worried about high levels of bad loans at banks, notably in ex-Yugoslav states, Bulgaria and Romania, and disappointed that the euro zone - eastern Europe's biggest trade partner - has not staged a stronger economic recovery. The EBRD ...

How much do you really know about Bulgaria?

Perhaps you already know that mountains cover almost a third of Bulgaria, or that it is renowned for its cinematic landscapes. But how much else do you really know about our fascinating country, its language, traditions and culture? Read on to test ...

Facts on Bulgaria

Facts on Bulgaria - When considering planning a holiday why not try a little closer to Greece and take a vacation on the neighbouring country of Bulgaria? What with the current financial crisis that has hit the globe; everyone is looking for a cheap break ...

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