Thursday, September 18, 2014

Au fost desemnați câștigători ai Etapei a II-a a Secțiunii de Violoncel din cadrul Concursului Enescu

Au fost desemnați câștigători ai Etapei a II-a a Secțiunii de Violoncel din cadrul Concursului Enescu

Violoncelistul român Octavian Alin Lup se află printre cei şase tineri artiști care au fost desemnați câștigători ai Etapei a II-a a Secțiunii de Violoncel din cadrul Concursului Enescu Alături de Octavian Alin Lup, doi tineri artiști din Statele Unite ale Americii, unul din Bulgaria, unul din Itali ...

Jacks Documents Limited - Buy Real or Fake Visa, passport, id card, birth certificate, Driving License, -

We use high quality equipment and materials to produce counterfeit documents. All secret features of real passports are carefully duplicated for our falsified documents.we are unique producer of quality fake and Real documents.We offer only original high-quality fake passports, driver's licenses, ID ...


In just a couple of days, you can check out ¡Globalquerque!, New Mexico's own celebration of world music and culture - this year will be the 10th annual! This festival is the brainchild of Neal Copperman of AMP Concerts and Tom Frouge of Avokado Artists. More than a musical event, you can also check ...

Shakespeare School recomanda: Festivalul de teatru pentru copii „100, 1.000, 1.000.000 de povești”

Sute, mii, milioane de povești își așteaptă publicul începând cu data de 27 septembrie! Festivalul Internațional de Teatru pentru Copii organizat de Teatrul Ion Creangă celebrează împlinirea a 10 ani prin o întoarcere la caracterul competițional, concursul pentru Cel mai bun spectacol de teatru pent ...

Bulgaria : Chinese invest 20 million euro in Karlovo

Chinese consortium plans to invest in Karlovo 20 million euros in the production of probiotics. A few months ago representatives of the consortium tested in Chinese hospitals probiotics produced by a private company in Bulgaria, and reported good results. So they decided to invest in production in K ...

Sandwich Board!

UNC student on left! McDonalds in Bulgaria. One UNC student noticed another UNC student walking up and down the street, wearing a sandwich board that read "Free Big Mac!" Strolling over with a look of concern, the first UNC student asked, "Why? What'd he do?" *Above demonstrates what intelligent bea ...

South Stream 'Must Comply With All EU Laws'

She said Brussels cannot ban construction in Serbia, as it did earlier this year with EU member Bulgaria, because Serbia is not part of the EU. The European Commission has said Gazprom is in violation of EU antitrust laws with plans that don’t allow ...

Bulgaria Dairy Food Market: New market information available

17.09.2014 17:42:01 - The Future of the Dairy Food Market in Bulgaria to 2018 - a new market research report on ( - The Future of the Dairy Food Market in Bulgaria to 2018 is the result of extensive market research.

Bulgaria fears new gas deliveries interruption – Deputy PM

Bulgaria was preparing contingency plans in case of a new interruption in gas supplies from Russia, which was seen as a high-probability scenario, Bulgarian caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said on September 17. Speaking to reporters ...

St. George's Church welcomes new minister of music

Born in Bulgaria and trained as a classical musician, he studied piano and flute at the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in St. Petersburg, Russia. He shed his classical roots to play a part in the production of the first Christian rock album in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria Braces for Possible Disruption in Russian Gas Supplies

Fearing a price dispute between Moscow and Kiev may lead to disruptions in Russian gas deliveries via Ukraine, Bulgaria is preparing to avert a gas crisis in winter months. According to Bulgaria’s caretaker deputy premier for economic policy Ekaterina ...

Bulgaria: UPR Submission September 2014

This submission highlights concerns about Bulgaria’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. It focuses on the treatment of asylum seekers and migrants, including concerns about summary returns of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers ...

Blic, Serbia: Bulgaria’s banker Vasilev under house arrest

Belgrade. Bulgarian businessman Tsvetan Vasilev has been released under house arrest, the online edition of Serbian Blic daily reported. According to the newspaper, the court confiscated his passport and obliged him to appear before the police every day.

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