Sunday, September 21, 2014

ACCIDENT AUTOBUZ BULGARIA. MAI: 4 răniți vor fi aduși cu o treia aeronavă

ACCIDENT AUTOBUZ BULGARIA. MAI: 4 răniți vor fi aduși cu o treia aeronavă

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne informează că o a treia aeronavă se va deplasa, duminică, în Bulgaria pentru a aduce alte patru persoane rănite după ce un autocar cu turiști români a căzut în această dimineață într-o

Şoferul autocarului răsturnat în Bulgaria nu consumase băuturi alcoolice – autorităţi

Şoferul autocarului răsturnat în Bulgaria nu consumase băuturi alcoolice, iar testele pentru eventuala depistare a altor substanţe interzise sunt în curs, anunţă autorităţile bulgare, citate de agenţia Focus, scrie Mediafax. Autocarul, care aparţine unei firme de turism din România, era condus de un ...


RESOLUTION OF THE BALKANS WORKERS' CONFERENCE, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13-14 September, 2014 (Issued by delegates from Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia; supported by delegate of French independent workers and workers from Romania, Macedonia and Greece) 1. A great deal of th ...

Former CEO of Kozloduy NPP: Bulgaria Needs Energy Strategy by 2050

Yordan Yordanov, former CEO of Bulgaria’s Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, has underscored the need to adopt a national strategy for the development of the energy sector in the period 2030-2050. In a Sunday interview for the Bulgarian National Radio ...

Massive New York march aims to focus world's eyes on climate change

Negotiators aim to complete that deal in late 2015. The New York rally is part of a global protest that includes events in 161 countries including Afghanistan, Bulgaria and Italy. It will starts in Central Park, where organizers will "sound the climate ...

Painter draws inspiration from childhood as an orphan

Meico Gowan has the sort of name that conjures thoughts of an exotic land. Born Metco Metodiev in Yambol, Bulgaria, Meico was placed at a very young age in an orphanage with his sister, Viara, in a small hillside village filled with sheep, dogs and goats.

More than 50% of tourists in Bulgaria come from EU: deputy minister

Sofia. “There is a stable trend over the past few quarters, which shows that more than 50% of the tourists in Bulgaria come from EU member states,” Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Economy Branimir Botev said speaking for the Bulgarian National Television ...

Bulgarian missionaries to speak at Westwood church

The First Baptist Church of Westwood has announced that Tom and Terry Myers, longtime Baptist missionaries to Bulgaria, will discuss their work on Sunday, Sept. 28, at the church, located at 808 High St. (Rt. 109) in Westwood. The Myers will speak at both ...

James Arthur covers Rudimental’s ‘Waiting All Night’ in Bulgaria

James Arthur has been touring across the UK and the rest of Europe this summer following his release from Syco's shackles. As part of his European tour dates, he made an appearance in Sofia, Bulgaria, for Coca-Cola's Happy Energy Tour and treated his fans ...

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