Monday, August 25, 2014

Who We Want To Adopt

Who We Want To Adopt

We are adopting from the country of Bulgaria, we do not have a back up country. There is always a chance that countries may close down their international adoption at anytime. There could be changes in leadership or war could break out or they could just decide to close it down, due to political unr ...

Prémios Europeus ESFS 2014

ESFS Awards 2014 The European Science Fiction Society is proud to announce the Winners of the 2014 ESFS Awards. These awards were announced on the 24th of August 2014 at the 36th Eurocon, Shamrokon, in Dublin. European Grand Master: Jim Fitzpatrick – Ireland Hall of Fame: Best Author: Wolfgang Jesch ...

Treni bulgari, matrimoni, Pessoa e il male di vivere

Ieri sera ero al matrimonio della figlia della moglie di mio padre. È stato bello ed emozionante, anche se ho fatto un po’ fatica con le convenzioni sociali e la miriade di persone che ho dovuto conoscere. Ho anche ballato e bevuto della grappa favolosa. Oggi ho preso due treni per tornare a Sofia. ...


More than 20 heads of states and governments have announced their attendance for the official ceremony when outgoing President Abdullah Gül will hand over office to President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Aug. 28. Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek has already called for an extraordinary session of the ...

El amor imperfecto. Sara Rattaro

Sara me enamoró con su anterior libro, Si escucharas mi corazón, me costó empatizar con Viola pero aún así la prosa de la autora me caló hondo, supo despertar mis emociones, subirlas a una montaña rusa y hacerme vibrar con una historia que poco tiene de alegre. Cuando vi que tenía nuevo libro en Esp ...

The Origins of the Israeli-Arab conflict

I find History to be so fascinating it holds all the answers. For example why has Israel been fighting against arabs for so long? What is the origin of this conflict? I will try to point out some fact as simply as i can that everyone can look it up themselves and connect the dots. 1-Destruction of t ...


Desde hace décadas las teleseries chilenas han sido exportadas, en formato original o adaptación, "La Madrastra" se exportó con actores chilenos y luego que el autor vendiera los derechos han habido cinco adaptaciones, incluyendo la que está a punto de estrenarse con Itati Cantoral en el rol protagó ...

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