Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bulgaria-Turkey Gas Interconnector Should Allow Two-Way Flow (Minister)

Bulgaria-Turkey Gas Interconnector Should Allow Two-Way Flow (Minister)

The planned gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Turkey should be regarded as a “two-way connection which should allow for gas transport from Turkey to Bulgaria and vice-versa”, newly appointed Bulgarian deputy minister of economy and energy Anton ...

Quanto costa spedire in Bulgaria? Confronto aggiornato 2014

Negli ultimi due anni sono nati molti servizi di spedizione online che permettono di prenotare una spedizione comodamente da casa propria, per poi aspettare che il corriere arrivi per consegnare il pacco. Facile, veloce, senza perdite di tempo e di fatica. Non tutti permettono però di spedire ... . ...

¿Por qué Irán se está metiendo a la cama con el Gran Satán?

Estados Unidos está decidido a sabotear el proyecto del gasoducto ruso South Stream que llevaría gas a Europa obviando el territorio de Ucrania, en este sentido y cambio del levantamiento de las sanciones económicas, Irán ha decidido unirse al proyecto Nabucco apoyado por los EE.UU, para venderle su ...

Art Movements

One of over 1000 copies of the Beatles’ “White Album” (1968) owned by artist Rutherford Chang. Chang’s project, “ We Buy White Albums” is on display at the FACT media center in Liverpool (courtesy the artist) Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. ...

Bulgaria: Now And Forever • Re: вицове Statistics: Posted by Mila-Buria — 22 Aug 2014 15:47

Oo La La Lavender

I’m often asked what I use lavender essential oil for. I have bottles of it all over the house. ;) Lavender is divine. Such a calming and beautiful aroma. Aside from that though, there are many uses/benefits of lavender. - About Lavender - Lavender is an oil that has been used for millennia and note ...

Travel || Sneak peek Balkantour 2014

After being ill a few months ago, I finally flew back from the Netherlands to the Balkan. Where the first part of my Balkan adventure started in Greece, this part started in Bulgaria where I still am. Today I am in Plovdiv, a very nice city in the south of Bulgaria and the second largest city of the ...

Un exabrupto del inconsciente

Desde hace un tiempo, corto, ciertas cosas que deberían producirme bronca, mal humor y acidez estomacal me causan gracia. Debe ser la edad, me dijo un amigo más viejo que yo. Si él lo dice. Veamos algunos ejemplos y ustedes piensen lo que quieran. Como siempre, como debe ser. Un grupo de digerentes ...

Background: Ludogorets v Steaua

Background: Ludogorets v Steaua PFC Ludogorets Razgrad will attempt to break new ground and earn a first tilt at the UEFA Champions League group stage as FC Steaua Bucureşti cross the border into Bulgaria for the decider. • Alexandru Chipciu scored in the 88th minute to give Steaua a ... more info.. ...

Bulgarians Employ Rule #5 By Vandalizing Soviet Monuments

Rules For Radicals * RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. Russia is demanding that Bulgaria try harder to prevent vandalism of Soviet monuments, after yet another monument to Soviet troops in Sofia was spray-painted, ITAR-Tass report ...

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