Sunday, August 24, 2014

Always Look UP

Always Look UP

Land of Sunflowers I don't know where to begin ... Bulgaria is amazing. There is so much here ... history, 6000 years to be exact ... food, delicious ... beaches, amazing, weather, hot, hot, hot ... cost, cheap ... 9 of us went out to a restaurant and we paid, including alcohol it came to $NZ78 appr ...

Delayed ratification of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine’s EU treaties..Press in Transnistria foresees war in the region on August 26 Two members of the European Parliament on Wednesday called on member states to accelerate the ratification of the association agreements signed with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in June. Georgia, Moldova and Uk ...

EuroBasket berth on the line for Israel

EuroBasket berth on the line for Israel The national team comfortably defeated Bulgaria 100-84 on the road four days later before recording its most impressive showing of the campaign to date in an 80-65 triumph at Montenegro. “Everyone played great against Montenegro,” said Omri Casspi ... more inf ...

Want new wine choices? Look back to the Old World

Among the emerging varieties: “Definitely mavrud from Bulgaria and malvasia Istriana from Croatia. Also, we’re seeing more nero d’avola and grillo from Sicily,” says Jenssen. (Mavrud is a red wine, malvasia a white.) “The funny thing is ...

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