Monday, May 7, 2012

Need Help On Coming Out in Homophobic Environment

Need Help On Coming Out in Homophobic Environment?
Ok so I'm 14 closeted and I'm living here and NOBODY I know is gay or even bi. All of my friends (uhm "friends" usually males) are complete homophobes but all my female friends love them and they often tell me "oh TURN gay for me please" or "be my gay best friend" but im still closeted. And It would be nice to meet a gay or bi person to talk to but nobody here is gay. And I go out everyday i know half the population of this city and i bet all the 10% is closeted. So basically what im asking is where could i find some gay/bi people to talk to here (btw i live in Bulgaria) and should i wait to come out or come out now even though many people are homophobic. thx share your experienced :D I am south american and european and my highschool is homophobic with no GSA or LBGTQ communities or anything :[
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I came out by leaving a note for 4 days to family while on vaction then slowely told freinds and it seemed to work =D but i still have ''problems'' with a few family members but my family didnt like me at first and i was the one everyone hated because my family is full of bashers and full christians but still it got better
2 :
You don't share where here is but I can pretty much guarantee anywhere where English is the first language as yours obviously is has plenty of gays. Assuming you're American you can go to Craigslist or etc (not allowed till 18, so I should advise you to respect that) and see plenty. Mississippi, Alabama - everywhere. I'm assuming your high school has no GSA or GLBT clubs. This is unusual except in very small schools and unfortunate. IS there a bigger school in the area? Even if you can't transfer you might be able to email their student advisors to get contacts for support etc. If you are in physical danger the simple advice is DON'T come out - wait until college. We don't need gay martyrs. If you fear only emotional backlash, loss of friends etc be aware that's almost inevitable. You could go to school in San Francisco and still have plenty of bigots to deal with. Just hope your close friends are not like this but I can guarantee some people are. At your age it's possible they already suspect by teh way. 14 year old boys who are straight are constantly rutting after girls, making sexual jokes and telling lies etc. If you're not both the most conscientious and best actor around it's usually not a massive surprise to people close to you. EDIT wow I missed the bit about Bulgaria. Kudos on your idiomatic English - you fooled me (unless of course you are a native English speaker living in Bulgaria for some reason in which case hey can't fault me for not guessing! ;) ) Then my advice is useless except the final paragraph on the original post. I confess I have no clue how gays are treated in Bulgaria or what avenues there are for you to form a support group there. I'd only suggest an internet search for your town and whatver the local word for "gay" is and see what you can find. Either way I can still guarantee you some gays DO live there. They even manage to live in Iran where they are executed, so they surely live in Bulgaria.
3 :
why are the other people homophobic? I mean, if they dont like it cause its against "GODS" word, its no big deal since theres no such thing. However, if they just think its gross, tell them to get over it. Oh, one more thing, chances are, at least ONE other person is at least bi...I mean come on, how do you know someone else isn't going through something your going through, right?

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