Thursday, July 14, 2011

France deports Gypsies - A nation security threat

France deports Gypsies - A nation security threat?
So, lets put this into perspective. Gypsies, though not all, are illiterate and mostly uneducated to to the rise in hatred towards them in Europe. 80% of the European Roma population, especially in eastern Europe live in abject poverty. Most Gypsies, though undoubtedly shameful as it is for themselves resort to begging when employers refuse to give them a chance. The Gypsies of eastern Europe, such as those that came to France from Romania and Bulgaria live in tents, and each day is a struggle to survive. A security threat?! A French national security threat??? Gypsies are a national security threat??? Has Sarkozy lost the plot? What possible threat could a bunch of poor beaten down souls possibly pose to France? France must be a very weak nation indeed!
Other - Cultures & Groups - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yea,yeah that's right!
2 :
France belongs to the French. Ethnic French., These people stopped muslims from conquering Europe. Charles Martel did the same, kicking out foreign scum. They have a right to keep their nation Gypsy free.
3 :
They are hated because they are theives, it's almost all they do, they deserve every bit of resentment they get and they know it.

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