Saturday, March 21, 2009

english that live in bulgaria read on

english that live in bulgaria read on?
Hi, i was just wondering if there are any english families living in sofia area. and what you think about bulgaria and if you like life here :)
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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I was born in Sofia. I am sorry I am not Englishman but I will still answer your question. It's a business city. A lot of traffic jam, car exhaust and dust in the air. It's cheap to live in Bulgaria, average salary is like 250-350$ or say like 200-250 EUR. If you live in the Center everything is pretty good. There is transport, good cheep shops, taxies working 24/7. And the night life is great. There are many clubs, bars and discos, casinos and hotels. You can rent a 100 square meter apartment for like 200-250 EUR. It's a great city to do business - tax is only 10% and many things are still not regulated... We also have a lot of beautiful single women.

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