Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mind the Gap: An NGO Perspective on Challenges to Accessing Protection in the Common European Asylum System - Annual Report 2013|2014

Mind the Gap: An NGO Perspective on Challenges to Accessing Protection in the Common European Asylum System - Annual Report 2013|2014

Source: European Council on Refugees and Exiles Country: World, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland With restricted access to the EU territ ...

STUDIU: Litoralul românesc, printre cele mai ieftine destinații din Europa

România se află pe locul patru în topul celor mai ieftine destinaţii de litoral din Europa, în urma competitorilor Bulgaria, Spania şi Turcia, dar înaintea unor ţări precum Grecia, Croaţia şi Franţa, conform unui studiu al Federaţiei Patronatelor din Turismul Românesc (FPTR).

Hărţile Europei prin veacuri

„Hărţile Europei prin veacuri”, este genericul expoziţiei, organizată în cadrul serviciului „Colecţie de Artă şi Hărţi”, care vine să complecteze numeroasele expoziţii tematice din cadrul Salonului Internaţional de Carte consacrate Integrării Europene a Republicii Moldova. În cadrul expoziţiei au fo ...

Kristalina Georgieva Becomes EC Vice President Budget, Human Resources

Bulgaria's Kristalina Georgieva was appointed EC Vice President for Budget and Human Resources, reported the Bulgarian National Television public broadcaster. The final list with the names of the new European Commissioners was published on the site of the Commission shortly before the start of the n ...

How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking To The World

But the focus of the talks was fracking. The previous year, Bulgaria had signed a five-year, $68 million deal, granting US oil giant Chevron millions of acres in shale gas concessions. Bulgarians were outraged. Shortly before Clinton arrived, tens of ...

We will plant trees in flood-hit regions: Bulgaria’s CEDB leader

Sofia. MP candidates with the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB) party joined Monday cleaning activities in the regions stricken by floods in the country at the end of last week. CEDB leader and former prime minister Boyko Borisov wrote ...

Bulgarian leaders welcome Georgieva’s appointment to European Commission senior post

Bulgaria’s top state and government leaders have welcomed the September 10 announcement that the country’s European Commission nominee, Kristalina Georgieva, will be the EC Vice-President for Budget and Human Resources in the forthcoming Jean-Claude ...

Bulgaria says can ensure gas supplies for 4 months

Russia cut off gas to Ukraine on Monday in a dispute over unpaid bills that could disrupt supplies to the rest of Europe and set back hopes for peace in the former Soviet republic. The Bulgarian government can ensure natural gas supplies for at least three ...

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