Saturday, August 30, 2014

UEFA Champions League 2014/15

UEFA Champions League 2014/15

Undian bagi UEFA Champions League 2014/15 telah pun dibuat pada 29 Ogos lepas. Dan kali ni banyak kejutan yang kita perolehi dari kesemua 32 pasukan yang bersaing bagi saingan kali ni. Antara nama2 baru dalam UEFA CL kali ni adalah PFC Ludogoretss Razgrad (BULGARIA) yang diundi di dalam kumpulan B b ...

Tottenham-Liverpool på Mets, Søndag 31.August kl.14.30

Det ble dessverre tap mot Man City på Mandag i en kamp som var jevn. Vi var fullt på høyde, men Man City var mer effektive enn oss. Nå er det nye lodder ,og på Søndag tar vi turen til Nord London og «serieleder» Tottenham. Tottenham har begynte med 1-0 seier i seriepremieren mot West Ham(en heldig s ...

The Countryside Strikes Back

Nearly one-third of Hungarians live in rural parts of the country. Surprisingly the rural population in Hungary, as a percentage of the population, is larger than in Bulgaria. But agriculture has declined steadily as a value-added portion of GDP - from over 15 percent in 1989 to 3.5 in 2010. >T ...

The Countryside Strikes Back

Nearly one-third of Hungarians live in rural parts of the country. Surprisingly the rural population in Hungary, as a percentage of the population, is larger than in Bulgaria. But agriculture has declined steadily as a value-added portion of GDP - from over 15 percent in 1989 to 3.5 in 2010. There a ...

Göbeklitepe: The world’s oldest sculpture workshop (over ten thousand years)

Göbeklitepe: The world's oldest sculpture workshop In spite of having spent ten years in Turkey/Anatolia/ Asia Minor and travelled extensively from coast to coast from Greece to Syria and Bulgaria to Georgia, both ways and all over its lakes like Van, rivers and historic sites, origins of Euphrates ...

And then there were two

As of this writing, David Goffin of Belgium and Dudi Sela of Israel are the only MOTs remain at the U.S. Open, each having won his first set. Sela lost his first set to Grigor Dimitrov (Bulgaria), 6-1; Goffin had yet to start his match against Joao Sousa (Portugal). Yesterday, an injured arm forced ...

An Interview With Max Gurvits, Boy VC

Max Gurvits is an investor. Based in Bulgaria, the peripatetic VC is almost everywhere, showing up at events around the world and scouting out some amazing ideas. I talked to him about how he became a VC at a comparatively young age and what it takes to ...

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