Thursday, August 28, 2014

Nakamura Draws With Aronian in First Round of 2014 Sinquefield Cup

Nakamura Draws With Aronian in First Round of 2014 Sinquefield Cup

America's number one ranked chess player and world's number five ranking chess player Hikaru Nakamaru (age 26) drew his first round game with the World's number two ranked player, Levon Aronian of Armenia at today's opening round of the 2014 Sinquuefield Cup in St. Louis. In other matches Fabiano Ca ...

best of bulgaria

čo vám budem hovoriť, na dovolenke bolo skvele :) (ale komu na dovolenke nie je, všakže). V Bulharsku som bola úplne prvý krát a bola som naň zvedavá. Išli sme konkrétne do oblasti Prímorsko - takže žiadna divočina na párty Slnečnom pobreží. A zostala som prekvapená - rozhodne milo. Také krásne pies ...

Ludogorets Central Defender Makes Winning PK Shootout Save to Advance to Champions League Group Stage

Cosmin Moti, a central defender for Ludogorets Razgad of Bulgaria, sealed up Man of the Match status as his team advanced in the Champions League. Moti, who is Romanian, knocked off Steau Bucharest, the most famous club in his home country, by making a penalty kick and then saving the final shot. Mo ...

Прощай Болгария, Солнечный берег.... Farewell to Bulgaria, Sunny Beach ....

Совсем недавно только собирали дома чемоданы.....Сегодня опять собирали, но уже домой... 2 недели пролетели, как один день. Наш отдых прошел замечательно, на одном дыхании. Теперь предстоит путь домой. Впереди еще 2 недели отпуска. Всем пока и до встречи в Беларуси. More recently collected only home ...

‘Reclaim the Power’ anti-fracking action camp

On Thursday 14 th August 2014, hundreds of anti-fracking campaigners set up a mass action camp at Preston New Road, Blackpool, to stand in solidarity with the local community and protest against shale gas extraction in the UK. Reclaim the Power (RTP) activits occupied Cuadrilla’s proposed exploratio ...

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