Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Russians are giving up their properties in Bulgaria for Turkey and Greece

Russians are giving up their properties in Bulgaria for Turkey and Greece

Turkey and Greece are on track to replace Bulgaria as a top destination for property purchase of Russian-speaking customers. The previous wave of Russians who have bought Bulgarian real estate has decreased in proportion, say the observations of brokers ...

Bulgaria Meat Market: New industry data published

The Future of the Meat Market in Bulgaria to 2017: Market Size, Distribution and Brand Share, Key Events and Competitive Landscape is the result of extensive market and company research. This report presents detailed analysis on the Meat consumption trends ...

26 August, 2014 04:42

Unsettled For Much of Europe Fine across Greece and Turkey Sunny and Warmest across Iberia Today Very unsettled across much of mainland Europe today. Showers will affect England. Showers will be heavy, widespread and with a risk of thunder across France and Belgium. More persistent and heavy rain is ...

Writing on Sofia

I’ve been wandering through Sofia, Bulgaria’s historic capital city, for the past 36 hours or so. It’s interesting enough. The people are very friendly and the weather is gorgeous. The friendliness is less in evidence when you try to cross the road. It appears that nothing enrages a Bulgarian driver ...

Fracking o Fractura hidráulica: ¿beneficio o daño?

Por: Geovida Fracking: técnica para extraer gas natural de yacimientos no convencionales, donde se explota el gas acumulado en poros y fisuras de ciertas rocas sedimentarias realizando cientos de pozos con una separación entre uno y otro de 0,6 a 2 km, y se inyecta en éstos millones de litros de agu ...

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