Monday, October 1, 2012

What time dos you kids go to bed

What time dos you kids go to bed?
My son of three and a half most nights goes to bed at around 21:00.The odd time a bit later. My problem is that he gets up at 6am no matter what time he goes to bed. I see other family’s on TV (supernanny) putting the kids to bed at like 19:00. If I put my son to bed at that time he would be up at 4am and once he is up, I just can’t sleep. So I am up too. My questions are: 1.What time dose your littlie ones go to bed? 2.And what time dose your littlie ones get up in the morning? Best wishes, Dad who needs more sleep! P.S. I live in Bulgaria and most kids go to bed the time they wish so this is why I have no info on this. My son dose sleep from 12:30 to 15:30 ever afrernoon.
Toddler & Preschooler - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
idont care. by teh timw im sdrunks i dunt ever care never more. they cun just go run way 4r all i careeeeeeeeexedcvx
2 :
When I was younger my mom would make me go to bed around 8:30. As I got older it extended by half hours, now that I'm in high school I pretty much go to bed when I want.
3 :
1. my 15 month old goes to bed at 8pm 2. he gets up around 7:30 am
4 :
It is healthy if your son has a schedual, and it sounds like he does if he gets up the same time every morning. At 3, he may or may not be napping once each afternoon. As long as your son is not tired and groggy consistantly through the day, he is getting the right amount of sleep. I would guess you are doing fine. 1. My son gets in his pajamas at 15:30 and is in bed by 16-16:30. 2. He gets up at 6 or 7 Give it time as he will have a change in his sleep pattern throughout the years. Best of Luck
5 :
My son is almost 3 and has been going to bed at 8 for about 6 months-1 year now.
6 :
My daughter is 5 years old and since she has started school she goes to bed at 2100 and gets up at around 0700. When she was 3 years old she would go to bed around 0000 and get up around 1000-1100. That fit our schedule because my husband works late so we are usually up late. And she would want to see him and everything before bed. Personally I don't see why people put their kids to bed at 1900 then complain when they wake up at 0400. Maybe you should try putting him to bed late in the evening and shortening his nap during the day. Hope this helps.
7 :
Our 5 year old's bedtime is 8:00 and wakes at 7:00 Our 3 year old's bedtime is 7:30 and wakes at 7:00
8 :
it's important for children to have a routrine..the first thing is you have to shorten that afternoon nap..he does most of his sleeping then.12:30 is a good time to go down but i would have him up no later than 3 or 3:30..then i would start having him go down about 8:30 every night .it might take you awhile with some fussing,but stay kids go to bed every night at 8:30.they get to lay on their beds and read or listen to music to help them relax a bit first then lights out at 9..
9 :
When my daughter was around that age I actually would have her go to bed at about 9:30-10pm because it worked out better that way considering I had the same problem as you. She would ALWAYS wake up at about 6am every morning. Once I got her in a routine of around 9:30-10pm she began sleeping until approx. 8am. Then she would have her day, take a nap at about 2pm until approx. 3pm and start her day over again. What I did notice though is that you son is taking way to long of an afternoon nap. That is most likely your problem right there. Children's afternoon naps should never be over 2 hours. If so you need to wake them up. They say 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours is perfect. That way they sleep better at night. Once they get a little bit older they no longer need naps and you can give them an earlier bedtime. My daughter is now 5 and her bedtime is 8pm. Try switching up your nap time and see if that helps. Good Luck!
10 :
My daughter will be 3 in December... for over a year now we have been giving her a bath and then bed by 8:00 - 8:30pm. She will wake up during the week (when we have to go to work) at about 6:30am and on the weekends around 7:30am. She gets about 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon. This has been her routine for a long time and I think that is a huge part of it. Good luck!
11 :
mine is five. He goes to bed at 7:45 and wakes up around 7.30 on weekdays because of kindergarden. On weekends he stays up till about.. latest nine and wakes up around nine.
12 :
i think its time to cut the naps out. he'll be tired at around 7-8 and let him go to sleep. or give him a warm bath and tuck him in at 7 - 8pm. my auntie did the same with her 3 year old son because he seemed to have enough sleep at night, even though it was so little for us! just cut the naps out. hes getting his rest during the day so he doesn't need to recharge as much during the night. then just see, he'll be up at around 8am good luck!!!
13 :
My kids go to bed at 7.30 and get up at 6,why dont you try putting him to bed at 8.30 and only let him have an hour and a half nap in the day and then keep reducing it so that he goes to bed at about 7.30-8 and totaly cuts out the nap in the day,that should help :)

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