Thursday, October 7, 2010

is it wrong 4 me 2 tell ma dad i dont wanna live wid him ri in front of him

is it wrong 4 me 2 tell ma dad i dont wanna live wid him ri in front of him?
he wants full custady but there no reason my mom cant watch me i see my dad like once a week im livin wid ma mom ri now bu ma dad want full custady n i dont wanna live wid him n if i gotta live wid ma dad ima run away anyways bu i dont want him 2 b mad at me i jus dont wanna live wid him n i dont want 2 see him bu i dont want him 2 hate me i dont wanna see him twice i dont even wanna see him once all i need from him is money $$
Marriage & Divorce - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
me no understandy your crppy riting, go to school. From what i can tell with my small amount of understanding of what you wrote you need to respect your father and not just expect to get money off him. You are a selfish kid who desperately needs an education
2 :
sweetie you need to tell an adult be mom or dad or adult or uncle, so that they can go to mom or dad on your behalf and explain that you dont want to live with whomever for whatever the reasons. but you running away is not the answer sweetie its just going to cause more problems and headaches for all involved and it will not be good for your argument of not wanting to live there. so please talk to mom and tell her how you feel about the whole situation. am sure the decisions that are made will be in your best interest. GodBless
3 :
Just explain to him that you like spending time with him but that right now you like where you are at and that you are more comfortable with your Mom. Tell him you don't want to hurt his feelings and that instead of just seeing him once a week you can see him twice.
4 :
Well. i dont know what ur up to, but i have only one suggestions : sit down and talk things over with ur dad...Tell him how u feel I guess that should do the trick Good luck
5 :
wow. I cant understand a word you said. Please type in english
6 :
Dont run away. Just tell the courts how you feel and your dad should understand. Also if you do run away run away to a school so you can learn how to spell.

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